The Biofuel Company Ltd
The Biofuel Company Limited is the first and only producer of standards biofuel in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Founded by a Saudi Arabian entrepreneur with many years experience of the clean energy sector and supported by the Saudi Aramco Wa’ed partnership, collecting waste used cooking oil and refining into premium grade B100, not only supports the Saudi Vision 2030, but is also good for the local economy and the environment of the country we live in.
Our flagship refinery in Jubail, operates 24*7 refining your waste into biodiesel to run delivery vehicles, trains, power plants and marine vessels. Our biodiesel is compatible with all manufacturers of diesel engine operating today. Our delivery network spans The Kingdom and we are happy to supply your operations accordingly.
Refining to global biofuel standards EN14214, we ensure all aspects of the refining process are tested to ensure our final product is always to specification.
Biodiesel was first produced by the Belgian chemist George Chavanne in 1937. Since then, the Europeans have led the way and by 1998, 21 countries were producing biodiesel on a commercial scale.
In 2003, the European Union mandated that ALL diesel must contain at least 5% biodiesel and today, 64 countries and 7 states of the USA have mandated that some biodiesel must be added to ALL regular diesel to improve the lubricity of the diesel fuel and reduce dangerous Green House Gas emissions.
Consequently, every vehicle, motorbike, train, marine vessel and generator in these 64 countries is warranted by the manufacturers to run happily on biodiesel. Net Zero biofuel is a direct replacement for the harmful fossil fuels used in diesel engines – also known as a ‘drop in fuel’.
Our clean, green renewable biofuel immediately reduces harmful carbon emissions to almost zero, enabling organisations to stop contributing to climate change and to begin making a positive impact on achieving the carbon reduction targets, our leaders have announced.

Who we work with
Our Clients
Our clients are forward thinking businesses committed to reducing their carbon footprint by adopting sustainable energy solutions that prioritise environmental responsibility and waste reduction.